Tuesday, February 24, 2009


The grandmama is supposed to be the rider of my beaver creature (which still needs to be posted; it's got a rather retarded saddle). Anyway, I really liked the obese cat, so I posted it (and it's not that he's really obese, since he went on a diet and all...it's that he's got that extra yard of skin that he can't get rid of...so...).

Edit: I swear I thought I cleaned these sketches up @ the lab. Now that I'm on a different monitor, I see that that's not the case. Darnit.


Hao Wu said...

woo nice blog here! nice and solid work. Keep em coming =]

Tom Zhao said...

Holy mackerel! I love your form language! Especially on those creatures from your previous post.


Danny Gardner said...

lahfoHDKFskjfsdkfh janet you shiver me timbers

Hao Wu said...

hey heard about your finger. you ok? be careful janet.

Josh Kao said...

wow you got really amazing drawings!